Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Walk in the Woods

Yesterday we drove down to the Hoosier National Forest for a little nature time and picnic in the adorable town of Paoli. It was a very fun time!

Lately I've seen all sorts of old and faraway friends such as Alison, Lisa, and my wonderful old neighbor Tara.

This is the end of two straight weeks of visiting family and friends. It's been great, but I think it'll be nice to get back to our old quiet routines. Also, Martin is done with the condensed work week, so as long as he's not swamped at work, he may be getting home at 5:00 again. Also a nice change... although this week may seem a little long without having Thursday off!

Sorry about all the spam comments on my blog. Pretty weird.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Keeping it Busy

Here's a cute picture (or I think it's cute, anyway) of Martino and me. I don't know when it was, but Martin must've still been wearing his retainer because his teeth are still tightly together, which means it was probably before we were married, considering Theodore ate his retainer during our honeymoon days at Eastway. And here is a super adorable picture of my niece, Angelica, and my nephew, Christopher, making their First Communion last week.
This weekend we did what we have never done before: We spent the night at the River with the kids! It ended up being really fun. Well, exhausting, but fun. This is week two of out-of-towner family visiting, and the kids are doing pretty well, but Anja has started taking naps, which is a sign of the exhaustion level! Spending the night at the cottage was great though; Martin pulled two armchairs together to make a silly little bed for Anja, and Greta and I shared the bedroom bed. Martin slept on the couch, but Anja joined him a few hours into the night.
Well, the pictures were all I had to post.... Greta didn't get a nap to speak of today so she is definitely ready for beddy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

In the Dark Ages...

Surprisingly, I don't miss having the internet at home as much as I thought I would. This is the first time I've come over to the library to use the computers and I had forgotten how dirty I feel when I'm here in this lab. Luckily I have the computer located right inside the door so there is a breeze of somewhat fresh air to breathe.... I'm not completely closed in.

A few messages for people:
-Sarah and my Dad: I don't have a camera anymore. If you email me any good pictures of my babies, I'd appreeeeeeeciate it. Thanks!

-Anne: I keep forgetting to buy stamps. I have a letter for you, but who knows when it will actually enter the postal system.

-Joannie: Since I am not keeping up with the blogs, you HAVE to call me when Jill has her baby! DON'T FORGET!!

-Laura: You're still my friend, and I'll call you soon. I promise!

My brother and his wife and girlies are visiting this week. They actually leave tomorrow; we've had a pretty fun week with them. Tomorrow after they leave, Martin's sister and her boys will be arriving from Chicago to spend half a week or more, so we're going to go from one busy week with family right on into the next busy week with family. Fun summer times! And after that we'll be having a few different friends visiting from out of town, so the fun will just keep on going.

The only bad thing about Ben and Anna visiting is that Anja is terrified of Ben. It's really kind of sad. All he has to do is walk into the room and she bursts into tears and is inconsolable. But my nieces are really cute and I like being around them. Angelica and Christopher made their First Communions on Tuesday and baby Avila was baptized. It was a big event! Sadly, my children (both of them) cried through the entire thing. Actually, it was more like screaming. But we survived!

Anja has really started pretending lately and her "games" (what she calls pretending) are getting pretty elaborate. Yesterday she told Martin this whole long story about how Greta was going poo-poo on the carpet all morning and then she was climbing on the table all morning also and going poo-poo. She went on and on and on and it was seriously hilarious. Also, after a week or so of being bears, we are now all ducks. Except for Greta, who remains a bear.

And so, life just keeps chugging along. I'm sure I'll be back online eventually.... but I'm not sure when. Don't forget me while I'm gone, readers!!

I'd better get back now. We promised Anja a trip to the Humane Society today just to look at their puppy selection. I've done a good job of dodging the Baby Bug lately, but I woke up this morning itching for a puppy. I also had the opportunity to take home up to 6 free kittens last Saturday (at our most disasterous RiverFest ever--I think next time Martin should leave the girls and me at home!) and I used good judgement and left without any of them. The thing about "free" kittens is that the price doesn't include things like food, shots, earmite medicine, and the cost of all the yarn I'd have to buy to knit them each a winter sweater. But I'm still thinking of them every day.

Today is the day of the new Bishop's installation and it's a super big deal! Wooo! The Downtown area is hopping!

Just recieved a text that Martin and the girls are here at the libary in the children's section, so off I go to meet up with them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Bear Family

This is a picture of me when I was little. This is how long I feel like I've been away from my blog. Our computer contracted a virus last week and so far it's unfixable. We are in the process of mending this situation. I don't know when it will be mended though, so posting around this here blog will probably be infrequent for awhile.

In other news, Anja has begun full-out pretending. Let me just say... it's ADORABLE. She has been referring to herself only as "Anja Bear" for the past two days. I am "Mommy Bear" and you can probably guess what the names of our other family members are. So cute.

It is so far past bedtime that our meltdowns are melting down. Definitely time to go.