Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another Fabulous Day in my Fabulous Life

The dog is asleep in a sunbeam, the baby is in her exersaucer, super happy after having the longest nap in the history of the world, and here I am reflecting on my great morning and thinking about what to do with the afternoon in front of me.
Anja and I woke up at 7:30--in time to see Martin off to work--and we were ready for our day pretty early, so we took a walk up to K. Dee's and met Kim for a cup of coffee! We stayed there a good amount of time and Anja was so happy, then in a snap she started rubbing her eyes and fussing just the teeeensiest bit. So I strapped her into her stroller and walked toward home. I walked with Kim to Huntington bank (a little farther than home) and just before we got there, Anja fell asleep, so I took my time walking home again, parked her stroller in the living room, and didn't expect her to sleep for three hours. But she did! And while she did, I made myself an egg sandwich, was able to spend some quality yard time with Karenin, washed and folded two loads of laundry, and spent some time just sitting at the dining room table reading. It was a really great morning. And when she woke up at 1:00, she was smiley and ready to go!

I think in a little bit we'll cage up Karenin and go over to the library to return "the Graduate" and see what else they've got. I might get a movie for Martin to watch tonight since we'll have a little bit of role reversal in that I'll be out judging the Shirley Martin Scholarship songs until late and Martin will be home alone. Well, he won't be alone, he'll be with Anja, but I'm expecting her to be asleep.

And then I'll probably cut some more daffodils from the backyard for the dining room table. And we'll maybe take another walk, this time probably over to the movie theatre and back because that's a nice distance for us. And on a day like this, I'd like to get all the walks in that I can handle. And if there's still afternoon left after that, maybe we'll tie Karenin up outside and spend some time in the yard, just hanging around.

Anja's so much fun now that she's bigger and able to fill out all her most adorable clothes. Right now she's between the 3 month and 6 month size which means she's pretty much wearing everything in her drawer. It's great! So much to choose from everyday!

Next week on Annie Car Day I'm going to go back to JoAnn's and look for good skirt fabric. I'd like to make a wrap skirt or two for the summer.

Okay, library time!


Anne said...

Do you use any sort of pattern for those wrap skirts? Or do you literally just wrap the fabric around your waist? I don't know how to do that, but I'd like to.

Annie Hatke Schap said...

Um. Well. I am not intending to use a pattern. That's because I don't do well with patterns. However, I'm also not planning to just wrap the fabric.... I'm going to give it some shape. I suppose I'll do this by making the waistline a sort of scoop and then putting on a thin waistband with the tie. Does that make sense? Okay, what I'm actually probably going to do is lay out my other wrap skirt(s) on my big table and cut the fabric out to look like them, hem it up and hope that it turns out.

Anonymous said...

Annie: I think I have a wrap skirt pattern. I know you and Anna like to work without a pattern (but that confuses me no end), but if you think it might help you put the skirt together, come over and get mine.

Sarah said...

I've used that pattern you have. It stinks.