Gluten is the protien in wheat (and rye, spelt, and some other things). It is what allows bread to rise and the dought to be stretchy. Some people have difficuly processing it. Other people can eat gobs of it and be just fine. When both kinds of people live in the same house, the "just fine" folks order pizza after the not so fine folks go to bed. hee hee.
And along the same lines, some people can't process the lactose in milk. When everyone in your house is like that, you get to eat the whole pint of ice cream your self.
If that was a rhetorical question, prepare yourself for a real answer. Gluten intolerance/allergy/sensitivity has been connected to auto immune diseases, which more and more people are getting. When I was positive for the 'pre' auto immune disease last year, I gave gluten and other foods up for a long time, and basically cured myself (thanks to Dr. Lightstone). I can have it now, but not overdoing the gluten and other things has kept me in balance since. Seriously-depression (even crabbiness and difficulty focusing), multiple sclerosis, autism, ADD/ADHD, thyroiditis, digestive/stomach issues, arthritis, parkinsons, diabetes...few medical professionals give the diet change much credit, but sooner or later we'll hear more about it. Wheat is a filler in SO many of our foods we don't even think about that our bodies are overinundated with it, which leads to problems for many of us. I try to give our kids more 'whole' foods, less packaged (not very successfully lately), so they're not as likely to inherit my auto-immune problems which are thick on both Matt and my sides. If you have people in your families with any of these issues, it's worth learning about. I learned tons from this book: Living Well With Auto-Immune Disease by Mary Shomon. You don't have to be afflicted with anything to gain good insight from this book.
Gluten is the protien in wheat (and rye, spelt, and some other things). It is what allows bread to rise and the dought to be stretchy. Some people have difficuly processing it. Other people can eat gobs of it and be just fine. When both kinds of people live in the same house, the "just fine" folks order pizza after the not so fine folks go to bed. hee hee.
And along the same lines, some people can't process the lactose in milk. When everyone in your house is like that, you get to eat the whole pint of ice cream your self.
And now you know why I am the size of a whale.
And the worst part about gluten is that the best pasta is made with high-gluten flour!
If that was a rhetorical question, prepare yourself for a real answer. Gluten intolerance/allergy/sensitivity has been connected to auto immune diseases, which more and more people are getting. When I was positive for the 'pre' auto immune disease last year, I gave gluten and other foods up for a long time, and basically cured myself (thanks to Dr. Lightstone). I can have it now, but not overdoing the gluten and other things has kept me in balance since. Seriously-depression (even crabbiness and difficulty focusing), multiple sclerosis, autism, ADD/ADHD, thyroiditis, digestive/stomach issues, arthritis, parkinsons, diabetes...few medical professionals give the diet change much credit, but sooner or later we'll hear more about it. Wheat is a filler in SO many of our foods we don't even think about that our bodies are overinundated with it, which leads to problems for many of us. I try to give our kids more 'whole' foods, less packaged (not very successfully lately), so they're not as likely to inherit my auto-immune problems which are thick on both Matt and my sides. If you have people in your families with any of these issues, it's worth learning about. I learned tons from this book: Living Well With Auto-Immune Disease by Mary Shomon. You don't have to be afflicted with anything to gain good insight from this book.
Sarah, eventually instead of buying curtains to make skirts out of, you'll have to buy Lafayette Tent and Awning leftovers. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
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