Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This morning when I was getting out of the shower, Anja wanted one of the little Willowtree figures that are up on the top shelf of the bathroom shelves. There are a couple embracing, an "angel of courage" and a little knock-off angel playing a harp. She wanted the knock-off. I gave it to her and told her to be very careful because it was breakable. She has been walking around with that thing, holding it so carefully, petting it, and telling me that it's sleeping (not because its eyes are closed, but because it has no eyes at all!) all morning! It's SO CUTE!! I'm very nervous about her dropping and breaking it Not that it would mean anything to me if it broke.... I think those things are cheezy and that one in particular was here when we moved in, though the others were gifts. But I can only imagine how heartbroken she would be if the poor little angel's head got broken off in some kind of 2-year-old accident. She is being so adorable and loving with it! And when Martin left for work, he gave Anja a kiss, but Anja insisted that he kiss the angel goodbye too. She's so cute!!!!!!! I love having little girls!!!!!!

Last night I was up until midnight, (partly by choice, but partly because Greta woke up around 10:30 ready to party) working on a doll for Anja's birthday... or Christmas... or something. It's a Sock Baby. I made it up. I have these little ankle socks that I never wear because I hate ankle socks, so I cut one of them up and made a doll out of it. It actually turned to to be really cute. I got the idea while looking through this "Magic Cabin" catalogue that we got in the mail. I love everything in it, but OH MY GOSH, it's really expensive. I mean, like hundreds of dollars for dolls expensive. But flipping though it, looking at all their adorable little fairie dolls and stuff, I thought, "I bet I could make those...." and so I did. And the one I made last night doesn't have arms or legs yet, but it has a cute head and a nice, argyle print body! I am thinking these will make good Christmas gifts for my nieces. I'll post pictures and instructions soon.


Sarah said...

On behalf of your neices, I would like to say that a cutie little sock doll would make a great Christmas gift. I LOVE Magic Cabin!

Anne said...

fabulous! I'm looking forward to the pics and instructions!

LauraSuz said...

Thanks for having us over! Anja IS cute and shares so well! When you told me about the dolls I didn't even ask to see them and now I want to! Another day.

Clare said...

Can't wait to see pictures! I just got a Magic Cabin catalogue yesterday and poured through it before bed last night wishing I was a millionaire and stating, "I could TOTALLY make that!" I probably will never get around to it, but I bet yours will be awesome!!