Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Little Boxes Made of Ticky Tacky

Yesterday I broke out the old banjo and introduced Anja and Greta to some Melvina Reynolds music, followed by Pete Seeger Radio on Pandora. They LOVED it. It's funny to see their differences--Greta loves all music, and especially peppy stuff, she smiles and dances right when it comes on. Anja just now has started dancing to music (she's a terrible dancer... mostly she just "jumps" around, but she's really bad at jumping too, so I can't really describe how she dances.... but it's pretty bad) and still isn't that into it; she just wants specific songs over and over again. Which is okay sometimes... and sometimes not so much.

The forecast today is calling for flurries, but I'm itching for spring. I'm working on some clothes for the girls for spring. A dress for Anja that is almost finished, followed by some matching pants for Greta and hopefully a little matching shirt too. I made what was supposed to be a wrap dress for Anja, but it's too frumpy to be a dress so I'm named it her garden frock. She refuses to try it on. Yesterday I made her a pair of pajama pants, which should make middle-of-the-night potty trips a little easier. Up until now we've had to completely undress her since she normally wears zip-up pajamas to bed. I'm going to make some spring nightgowns for both girls, and maybe more pj pants for Anja. And maybe by the time cold weather rolls around again the nightly bathroom trip won't be a necessary thing.

Greta has a little bit of a cold. Nothing huge, just a little snorky and not sleeping well because of it. Meh. I'm ready for spring... have I mentioned that?

The bad thing about being creatively productive is that my house is a wreck. I can't even remember the last time I cleaned my bathroom. Bleh. Oh well. I guess I do have my whole life to do housework, but if I don't get clothes made in a timely manner, they'll be too small to wear!

I keep trying to convince Martin to quit his job so we can be a travelling family folk band. I think I might almost have him! He keeps bringing up something about not having any money, being homeless, starving..... but I think he's getting over it. He's also mentioned something about me not having yet taught him to play an instrument, but whatever. I'm sure once he's on stage it'll all just come to him.

Anyway. That's about it from here today. I've got to make bread at some point... I meant to do it during Greta's nap, but then I forgot. Okay, this post is getting boring.

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