Monday, September 24, 2007

A Post for the Ladies

Okay, this is going to be a poll-style post. All you mommies out there can reply to the poll as a comment. You don't have to, of course... but I'd REEEALLY appreciate it. (plus, I'm nosey.)

See, I've been reading pregnancy books and articles for the past 7 months (approximately) and every time I come across something that says "by this time you will ____" I think to myself, well gosh, that's been going on for a couple of months already. It makes me curious. I know that every pregnancy is different, blah blah blah, and I am by no means EXPECTING to have an early baby... if anything, I'm expecting to go late, just because. But I'd like to have something solid to compare myself to, something other than "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and FitPregnancy magazine.

So anywho, here we go. These questions can be answered for singular babies or multiple babies, or not answered at all if you don't want to share:

When did you feel baby move for the first time from the inside?:

When did you feel baby move with your hand on your belly?

When were you able to see baby moving?

When did you start leaking?

Did you ever have any pregnancy symptoms that magically went away, such as backache, or squished lungs? And if you did, did it mean anything that they disappeared?

When did your belly button pop out, if it did?

When did you start having Braxton-Hicks contractions, and did you get them a lot?

At what point were you unable to sleep?

How much did your baby move throughout your pregnancy?

Was your baby a boy or a girl?

How early/late/on time was your baby?

This concludes the survery portion of this post.

To anyone who answers, thanks. I'm just getting very curious. The most recent thing I've read is that "by the end of this trimester" your baby's bones will be strong enough that you'll see him move from the outside. But I've been seeing him move from the outside for weeks and weeks already. And the whole leakage thing has been going on since about 20 weeks.

So anyway, sorry for the nasty "Ladies Only" post. It's almost midnight and I really don't have anything else to say, but I can't sleep. Boo.


Caitie B said...

Darn.. now I want to go get myself all knocked up so I can answer the poll questions.. be right back..

(i'm just kidding)

Anne said...

When did you feel baby move for the first time from the inside?: It was around Januaryish so about 4 months.

When did you feel baby move with your hand on your belly?: Not a clue.

When were you able to see baby moving?: Around 4 months, too.

When did you start leaking?: I think I was leaking the whole time.

Did you ever have any pregnancy symptoms that magically went away, such as backache, or squished lungs? And if you did, did it mean anything that they disappeared?: Squished ribs that pain stop around 6 or 7 months but it didn't mean anything.

When did your belly button pop out, if it did?: 7ish months??

When did you start having Braxton-Hicks contractions, and did you get them a lot?: Never really had those at all.

At what point were you unable to sleep?: I slept pretty darn well through the whole pregnancy (ask me how I sleep now). :o)

How much did your baby move throughout your pregnancy?: Quite a bit, probably not as much as yours.

Was your baby a boy or a girl?: Charles!!!

How early/late/on time was your baby?: According to the dr's date he was 6 days late. According to our NFP date he was right on time. I was laboring on the 7th and that was on NFP date.

Wow, now I feel like a bad prego person, between working and keeping a house I hardly remember for sure any of those things!! That and I've lost most of my brain power since he was born.

Jill said...

Both of my babies moved a lot. My whole belly would roll around like a jello mold.

I remember first feeling George fluttering around at 4 months, and I believe it was around the same time for Andrew.

I could see movement from the outside at 5 months. Leaking started around the same time, I think.

My belly button never pushed out, probably because there was plenty of padding surrounding it.

I never had any Braxton Hicks contractions; when the boys decided to come, they came right away. George's labor was about 12 hours from start to finish; Andrew's (once it started) was about 4 hours.

I remember having difficulty sleeping around 7 months. I would wake up several times and had a hard time falling back asleep. A body pillow helped alot (and also sleeping on the couch, unfortunately).

I went two weeks early with George and three weeks early with Andrew. (Both due dates were using LMP, not NFP; I wasn't keeping track)

Also, an interesting tidbit: both of my babies were born right before the full moon. With George, I started having contractions and labor progressed from there, but with Andrew, my water broke in the middle of the night with no contractions. I eventually went on pitocin to start the labor. Some people say there's nothing to it, but I know the moon was to blame.

I think that's it. Funny, I remember my first pregnancy so much better than my second!

Sarah said...

I can't remember much of those dates, but I do want to point our that those books usually put the latest of the "average" times, so that people don't freak out that it's not happening yet. So don't worry if you're way early.

And I had a lot a BH contractions, pretty early too. And my babes are born right on time.