Monday, October 5, 2009

"The Birds are Safe with Us Around!"

Good golly, what a weekend. Last Thursday I played at K.Dees and we walked down in the cool cloudiness and came out to rain. So Martin walked home to get the car for us, but we ended up staying till about 8:30 talking to Jerry. It was really nice... until the girls kind of lost it at the same time. It's good to have friends, especially when coffee is involved.

I think Friday was kind of a crazy day... I think both girls were grumpy and didn't nap well and nothing got done. But then Friday ended and Saturday arrived! Up until now I've haven't really been passionate one way or another about "the Family Bed." Sometimes I'd get annoyed having the girls in our bed, sometimes I didn't care, sometimes I would move to the floor so they could have the bed, etc. But after this cold weekend, where all four of us slept in our big cozy bed together, I came down this morning and told Martin I'd decided I liked the family bed, and he admitted that he did too! I still like the girls to start out in their own beds when we haven't gone to bed yet, because I don't like the idea of them rolling off the bed... but there is nothing cozier than waking up on a rainy Saturday morning with two happy babies between you under mounds of quilts. And then it's even better when the maid comes in with your coffee and hot cinnamon rolls on a tray.... oh, wait.... no. That didn't happen. Poo.

Saturday was cold and drizzly. It was perfect weather for the first annual Octoberfest down on Main Street. We walked down through the Farmers Market earlier in the morning to buy some apples, and wandered up Main just to see what the festival was like. It was SO CUTE!!!! Loads of pumpkins and home-jarred goods, and fallish crafts. Food vendors on the street, live music.... sort of... I was supposed to play with my friend George from noon to 1:00. We showed up and the stage wasn't quite ready. My parents came to help Martin watch the girls; he took Anja down to K.Dees to get some coffee for us, and my parents took Greta to go to another store. But then on the way down, my mom fell while she was carrying Greta. She banged herself up, but Greta seemed okay. I was still worried about her because she seems like the type of baby who would be like, "no really! I'm okay! I'm okay!" and then be dead. So when Martin said, "The good doctor is here!" and there were the Watsons, I was sooooooo happy. Plus, I just love the Watsons anyway. Greta got a nice checkover and was declared to be fine. My parents went home (but returned later) and George and his wife, Martin, the girls and I walked up to K.Dees to sit for awhile and wait for the stage to be ready. Outside the coffee shop we ran into our friend Turgay who joined us and we had a really nice time. Gina (George's wife) bought a couple of baked goods to share and it was a cozy way to relax. We eventually went back to the stage, which still wasn't ready. So we hung around.... for awhile.... and awhile more..... and then the second guy who was booked to play showed up..... and then left..... and finally, George and I started playing a little after 2:00 and got in three songs before the third band showed up! And I later found out, that that band only got in three songs before it started raining, and since the stage wasn't under any sort of cover, that was it for them too!!! Haha! It was really silly. But in all that waiting around we got a lot of talking done and saw a lot of friends. Then Anja had a meltdown and we went home and made hot chocolate for her and tea for us and were all cozy. I baked a turkey for dinner and it was awesome.

Sunday we missed the 7:30 mass and the 9:30 mass (just barely) but made it to the 10:00 at St. Ann's! Afterward we packed up and headed right out to Lazy Q Farm for my uncle's annual Fall Party. We've been looking forward to this for a very long time. Usually it's just my extended family hanging around eating chili, with pumpkin carving for the kids. This year it kind of got turned into Redneck Fest. Martin brought his clay pidgeon thrower and everybody brought their guns and we all rode down to the meadow on a tractor to practice our shooting, led by my 10-year-old cousin, Tyler, who has his youth hunting liscense and has already been hunting this year, who shot every target thrown for him. I missed every one of mine, much to Martin's dismay. It was really fun though, and then we sort of got the kids to line up nicely with their carved pumpkins:
But Anja would rather have been drawing on her pumpkin.
After everyone was gone, while I was getting the girls into jammies and having a little wind-down time before the drive home, Martin ran down to the woods and shot us another squirrel for the crock pot. Oh, how I love Indiana.


Clare said...

I am glad my family gatherings are not the only redneck ho-downs out there! lol. Nick will be so proud ;) And Anja's tights and shoes are so insanely cute. I am addicted to stripes (and dots) right now! I can't believe how big Greta is getting and that she is crawling! Your family is really adorable.

Stephanie B. said...

did sarah give you those shoes? are those leaves on them? i think they used to be my girls'!! way cool! (even if they didn't come from me) such perfect fall shoes.

Annie Hatke Schap said...

Aren't the stripes great?! I couldn't resist. I know she looks like a crazy person, but let's face it... she IS a crazy person.

Yes, Sarah gave me the shoes, and yes, I'm pretty sure they are leaves, except I only just figured that out because I'm a little slow. i've been thinking they were stars all this time! Haha! They are the most adorable shoes ever, and she has gotten SO MANY comments on them, especially in the last few days, what with the fall weather arriving and all. So, yeah, thanks for the shoes!

Clare said...

I couldn't tell what was on the shoes, but the fact that there are leaves on the shoes? That is even cuter than I thought! :) I love kids shoes. Grown-up shoes just aren't as much fun.