Martin's been working a second job since Christmas. I kind of keep forgetting to mention that on here! So the girls and I have been spending a lot of time up at my parents' house as a result. Yesterday they made little Mimi bread loaves. Anja said hers was too pretty to eat... Evidently Greta did not share that opinion.
Looks like we'll be going to Virginia in July!
This afternoon both girls took a nap so Martin and I took advantage of their lasting good moods and had a date! The first real date in aWHILE. It was fun! A long time seated on the patio at Pepe's watching the people go by and sipping margaritas followed by a trip to Starbucks to sober up. Ha, that's a joke.
We're in the market for a couch. Thanks, Matilda.
I still love my iPhone! But w I want to call it MiPhone. Get it? Because it is MINE.
Tomorrow is calling for sprinkler weather! Hope everyone had a good day off. We'll be doing yard work and lots of it.