Monday, September 28, 2009
Who Dropped the TV?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Meadow Pictures
A Fabtakulous Weekend!
She was sitting on the stairs "nursing" her doll!!!!!! Does it just KILL YOU, how cute she is?! (For the record, Martin was the one who found her on the stairs. He's only in the picture because Anja's really into this thing where she loves us to sit down with her, so she pats the floor beside her and says our name, and that means "daddy, please sit down." She even asks the cat and dog!)
After mass Greta napped and Martin and I made these funny baked spiced apples. They turned out okay, though a little undercooked. We packed them up and took them with us back out to Uncle Johnny's farm where we had a lovely afternoon with my aunt and uncle and cousin, Hope. It was so much fun to just hang out with them! Martin has really enjoyed being able to hunt out there, and he was thrilled to be able to go out today and help them clean up for their Fall Party that is next weekend. I didn't do anything. Hope and I just sat around and talked while everyone else worked. But we all had a good time! Afterward, we went to McDonald's in Attica for a little bit of dinner. Anja loves french fries. I mean, LOVES. We realized we couldn't go home then because Anja hadn't had a nap so she would fall asleep, and it was 5:00, that terrible in-between time when a nap means doom. So we went back to the farm. Everyone else had left, but Martin had his gun in the car so he went down to the woods...
Oh, I guess it's really dark. Oh well, it was cute. GREAT WEEKEND!
Friday, September 25, 2009
On the Move
I got a gift certificate to Von's for my birthday last year. For those of you who don't know, my birthday is ten days away.... or something like that. Anyway, I still haven't spent the gift certificate. So tonight we had leftover chicken pot pie (WAY better than I'd expected it to be, having not used a recipe!) then bundled the girls in rain gear and headed up the hill to Von's. It was a FABULOUS rainy night walk, and we got hot chocolate at Vienna too. With the gift certificate we bought the new Eels album, which we haven't listened to yet, but Martin just came in and informed me that we'll be going to my uncle's farm on Sunday to help him clean up for his fall party, which is next weekend. This is great because Anja will LOVE to be there, my aunt and uncle are really fun, and Martin has been hunting out there and he's been looking forward to an opportunity to make a kind of payment. This will be perfect. And it's kind of a long drive out there, so we'll get to listen to our new CD. Hooray!
Tomorrow Martin's going squirrel hunting in the early morning. While he does that, I suppose the girls and I will make our weekly trip to the farmers market. He (Martin) was telling me about some delicious spiced apples he made in college, so I'm going to get a bunch of apples and try the recipe out. Also we make some baked beans with apples in them that are really good. I'm kind of all about apples these days. Anyway, after he gets back, mid-morning, we are going to meet up with his sister at Wolf Park and to their benefit walk. Anja will be so excited to see wolves!!! She will say "woof! woof!" the whole entire time, I just know she will. Evidently when you sign up, you sign up as a "pack" and TusaRebecca did it over the phone, but she made Anja our official pack leader.
Bedtime! Happy weekend!
Tags, Tags, Tags
I'm considering starting an envelope full of carefully labeled, cut-off tags. Is that a little over the top?
Monday, September 21, 2009
How Can He Be So Industrious?
Our Sunday was just as nice as our Saturday. We walked to the 9:30 mass and afterward just kind of played with the girls until naptime, during which I made an apple pie. Since Martin and I can't eat an entire apple pie by ourselves, we walked it down to K.Dee's and shared it with everyone down there. When we got back, Martin got out his Ice Cream Ball (a Christmas present from two years ago that was still in its box!) and we made ice cream! Then we ate the ice cream with our pie. Superfun! My parents came over to say goodbye as they are leaving for their vacay this morning. We were meeting an artist at Vienna at 7:00 to hang a show, but we went early and Martin dropped me off there with my new Mothering Magazine, and he took the girls to the grocery store. (He had used up all of our salt and cream making the ice cream, haha!) I had a nice little 45 minutes by myself to devour my magazine before the artist got there, and Martin and the girls showed up just as we were finishing hanging the prints. It was a very enjoyable evening!
So this artist is Jeff Hagen and his stuff is really neat, and he's a funny guy. It was good to talk to him, especially because we were neighbors for a little while when I lived in my old apartment. I told him where I'd lived and he said, "Were you the girl with the kitchen fire?!" Hahaha, remembered so fondly. Then we talked about all our drug-dealer neighbors, and had some laughs. Nice guy! He has some stuff at Vienna now and will have a bigger show up at K.Dee's in November.
I needed to read the blogs this morning for inspiration. I think someone downtown should start a neighborhood petting zoo. I was saddened that Stuckey Farms didn't have any animals running around, and I am craving some animal time for both me and Anja.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
An Applicious Saturday!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Heat Is On
I went to the dentist this morning FOR THE LAST TIME. Finally, this whole silly ordeal with my tooth is over! And it's only been 14 months! It's just been one thing after another though... for example, my appointment today was actually supposed to be on Monday, but when I went to it, they told me my crown hadn't arrived yet, so I had to reschedule! Gr. Oh well, it's all set now.
Greta is actually beginning to crawl, even if her progress comes in tiny steps. All last night she was practicing lifting her hands off the ground while rocking on her hands an knees, and she got one full movement of the hands and knees moving together completed. Go, Greta, Go! Soon she'll be zipping around, keeping up with Anja. I can hardly believe it. She has her six-month checkup next week and I'm really eager to see how much she weighs. five hundred pounds, at least. This girl is a chunk.
Martin and I like to plan out our retirement. The thing I'm most looking forward to in retirement is wearing clothes from L.L.Bean and Coldwater Creek. I kind of like old lady clothes. Obviously I'm not going to wear them now.... but I kind of look forward to being old and shopping solely from catalogues.
I realize this isn't the advertised controversial post, but maybe I'll get to that later. Right now I am up at my mom's house, where Anja and Greta stayed to play while I was at the dentist. Anja loves playing in Ooma's backyard!
Anja has been eating all of her meals on an egg tray lately. Compartmentalization is a wonderful thing in Anjaland.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Delicious Coffee Companion? Or Sock of Death!?!?
Anja helping me make bread! Which, by the way, did sound like it is oatmeal bread, based on my last post. This new bread is actually buttermilk bread. There's no oatmeal about it, which is a good thing, since the oatmeal bread I was making was gross. This buttermilk bread, however, is A-MAZE-ING. Okay, it's still not as good as when my mom makes it; which is not as good as when my grandma made it.... but STILL. I'm getting there. And besides, you have to cut me some slack... look at my helper!
I'll make another post sooner than later, and it might end up being a controversial one, but it's about something my neighbor informed me of this evening that I find utterly ridiculous. But I'll leave you hanging with that, heh heh heh.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Packing Up My White Pants
We've been having fun lately, but we always manage to stay out five minutes too late. On Labor Day we went over to the house of one of my sister and brother-in-law's friends, the Bosmas. Their house is very cool and when you stand on their deck you feel like you are in The Elven Forest. We had a good time; ate good food, swung on their rope swing, played with their children, and Anja had a wonderful time gathering rocks in the creek. We dressed the girls in jammies for the ride home, but we didn't make it there without The Meltdowns.
Yesterday Martin took the day off work to "get things done." He went hunting in the morning, then spent much of the rest of the day doing things that are impossible to do for someone who works regular business hours. It was a very pleasant day. We took the girls over to Tapawingo Park late in the day and Anja LOVES going down the slides. We found a very fun praying mantis as well. I love them.
I've been making this oatmeal bread lately that has only turned out yummy ONCE. Every other time (and it's been many times) it's been a brick. So my mom gave me her recipe (and some bread flour, and some buttermilk, and some yeast....) and I made four loaves today. WOW. I'm not sure if it's a family secret, but if it isn't, I'll definitely post the recipe on The Cooking Blog. It's delicious! And four loaves at once!
I can't really think of anything else that's going on around here. I've started knitting a hat for Anja and it ought to be done by the time our first grandchild is born. Our house is a complete wreck and I can't seem to get it under control. Something ate through my clothesline, but our dryer has been doing better lately; I think it just needed a rest. The closing for the Cooks' house was set for today, so we should be getting new neighbors soon. Oh, and The Feast is coming up, so I am making a birthday present wish list in my head.
I wish I had a million dollars, or at least a few hundred, to re-do the Big Back Room. I have such great visions of it, but they all include very expensive improvements. Like wood flooring, a wood burning stove, lanternish light fixtures, and a very specific bed that they used to sell at Copper Creek Canyon, which has been out of business since before I was married. It also involves building closets and transforming the mudroom into something cute, yet functional. Okay, scratch the million. I need a zillion dollars for all the improvements I want to make!
Martin's office is on a retreat today. I think this is hilarious and wonderful. I was supposed to make tabouleh, but SOMEONE (M*cough*artin!) forgot to remind me, and so I just had to throw together some peanut butter cookies at the last minute instead. I hope they are all having fun! His office cracks me up.
I LOVE how Anja loves animals and is totally unafraid of them. People with dogs are always so apologetic, and I don't think I am ever able to convince them that she REALLY AND TRULY doesn't mind being knocked down by a big dog. We are in the back room right now, and she and Karenin are getting along so nicely. Karenin is just following her around everywhere, and if she gets in Anja's way, Anja just shoves her aside. Anja is MUCH nicer to Karenin these days than she is to Theodore. I know that you all are going to vomit in your mouths a little bit when I say this, but Theodore and Anja are seriously like siblings. She gets SO MAD at him sometimes! It's hilarious. Sometimes she'll pull a chair out from the table to stand on and Theodore will jump up and sit on it, and she will scream at him and start pushing him off, except he's so fat, he just sits there and looks at her and she just screams louder and starts hitting him. It's the funniest thing ever, until I have to intervene, and Theodore is so fat he's slippery, which is pretty disgusting, and also makes it difficult to pick him up. Oh, but I love to watch them together! I love to see Anja get angry with him. Because then at the same time, when we wake her up in the morning sometimes Theodore comes in for a morning snuggle, and she'll just put her arms around him and they will cuddle up together for a little bit. They are seriously best friends.
Okay, you can stop barfing now, I'm done.
Friday, September 4, 2009
... And then Anja threw up.
The girls and I had a lovely day, except for that part of the morning when the blasted dog took off through a hole in the fence and was gone for awhile, then I chased her down and the nice man at the library helped me to get her home so I could run back inside to make sure Anja hadn't killed Greta in the ten minutes I was gone. I am definitely going to bake him some peanut butter cookies next week. (I was going to do it today, as you might've read on Facebook, and maybe I should have... but I cleaned the bathrooms instead.) We had been planning on going to my sister's house for a playdate, but the dog kind of spoiled those plans. Oh well.
But anyway, the rest of the day was really nice. Both girls took a long nap AT THE SAME TIME, which is why I was able to clean both bathrooms. When they woke up we walked up to Vienna to meet Martin and our friend Matt on Martin's lunch break. It was great to get the long walk, but I somehow always forget how completely insane campus is at this time of year. I'm so afraid of getting run over, either by a vehicle or a skateboarder, or a large herd of sorority girls. But it was a very nice little break in the day, and Martin gave us a ride home, which was also nice. Also, my mom stopped by to see the girls and deliver some homemade soup, which we will eat tomorrow for lunch, because...
When Martin got home this evening I suggested we use the giftcard to Logan's Roadhouse that we have in the bottom of our giftcard drawer. I sometimes think to look through our giftcards when I'm getting stuff out of the drawer, and I had forgotten about that one because it was all the way on the bottom. Martin thought we could get dinner for both of us for just the amount of the giftcard, and he was right! We only went 40 cents over! Which was great, because then we were already using the card to leave a tip. So we got dinner for all of us for only the cost of a tip. Plus, it was really fun and the girls were AWESOME. So cute and happy and great. Another little surprise was that there was a couple next to us who seemed to be very grandparentish, and they gave us a card for a free appetizer! How nice of them!! Also, ROSSIE was there!! He has a girlfriend who is very pretty. I hadn't seen him in almost two years. Isn't that hard to believe. I used to see him every day! *sigh*
Well, anyway, it was a really nice little family date. And we haven't eaten out at a real restaurant in ages. We came home and Greta pretty much went straight to bed, but Anja was kind of wound up and since she got such a good nap, I waited until 8:00 to try and put her down. But she was really hyper and wasn't going for it... so we let her stay up a little later, and then she was being so darn cute that neither of us wanted to put her to bed. So she just stayed up and we kept playing with her and it got later... and later... and later... until finally we tried a couple more times to get her to bed, unsuccessfully, and Martin took her for a drive.... and that's when she threw up. Big, big mess.
BUT SHE WAS BEING SO CUTE. I wish I had a video camera attached to the end of my nose so I could document every cute thing she does and then share all my little videos on this blog. But I can't explain their cuteness. When I tell something she does, I just make it sound stupid. You just have to be there and see her funniness to appreciate it.
This weekend ought to be nice. Tomorrow is Global Fest and LayFlats, and we're going to try to hit both in the morning. Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Something weird happened today and I can't decide if it's a sign, or if it's just me reading too far into things. So remember way back in July, when Greta had that high fever and we took her to the ER? They did a urine test on her (awful, btw) because they thought if she had a bladder infection it could be bad for her kidneys. Anyway, the original thing came back clear. But today we got a letter in the mail asking to call the ER and ask for the nurse about those test results. Turns out, the sample did grow something. But that was more than a month ago, so I ought to be able to just disregard it, right? WRONG. Because for the past two or three days, Greta has been very fussy. We've been blaming the same old scapegoat: Teething. I really haven't been worried at all, until I got this letter. And I'm wondering, is that weird letter a sign that I should take her in instead of waiting until her next checkup, which isn't until the 20th? Or is the weird letter nothing, and I'm just making things up to go along with it? Hmmm.....
Sometimes when I'm picking up the house at night after the girls are in bed I start looking forward to the morning when I get to have my coffee and when Anja will wake up and be so happy and funny. Sometimes I leave things set up for her on her little table that weren't there when she went to bed. Last night it was a few dogs sitting in some little chairs. Tonight it's some different dogs, not sitting in chairs. She likes to find things.
Boy, am I beat. It's been a surprisingly long week. I'm glad this weekend is a holiday!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Kids Songs, Pretend Play, Laughing Spots, etc.
She's learning lots of animal sounds. Not many of them actually sound like what the animal says... and many of them sound very similar to each other, but I can detect the subtle differences. Anyway, she knows what a duck says (sort of) and I've put her little wooden rolly ducks on the bottom shelf of the new kitchen cupboard with her books and crayons. Yesterday she flung open the doors, grabbed the rolly ducks and started quacking like a madman. It was really weird... and hilarious.
She carries her dolls around with her everywhere. She has Cook Baby and Baby Doll, and for the most part Cook Baby wins out, but many times she'll carry them both around, or give Baby Doll to me to carry around while she takes care of Cook Baby. (She must think I don't have enough babies to care for.) Sometimes I am very proud of her and the way she cares for her dolls. She is very loving; she nurses them, puts them to sleep in their cradle, feeds them Cheerios.... but sometimes I wonder where I went wrong in my example. For instance, today, when she came to me proudly, wanting to show me what she'd done, and led me by the hand to the kitchen cabinet. She opened it, and there was Cook Baby, stuffed into the cabinet with all the pots and pans. She thought it was great! I don't know why. I promise, I've never put any of my babies away in the kitchen cabinet, no matter HOW foggy sleep deprivation has made me.
The other funny thing about both our girls is what Martin calls their "laughing spots." Anja's is under her chin. Gracie has found it and thinks it's a pretty great thing. Greta's is right in the middle of her belly. Greta is especially ticklish if you use your face for tickling instead of your fingers.
Greta is not crawling yet, but she is still standing on that "any day" mark. And she's beginning to make forward progresss instead of just backward. Nowhere near sitting up, last I checked.
And that is the update on our girlies.