Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Do Loves a Weekend!

The only bad thing about Saturdays is that they are over so soon. But they are always so fun. Even when we don't do anything, Saturdays are the best day of the week.

Anja has shifted her own bedtime so that for the past few days she's been going to bed at 8:00 and waking up at 6:00. This happened by mistake one morning when she woke up at 5:00 and didn't go back to sleep until I gave her an early 11:00 nap. So now her naps are earlier too. It's actually been great because she's been going to bed easily and so we've been having more of an evening for the past couple of nights. Then this morning she slept in until 7:00! Hoorah! We walked to the Farmers Market (didn't buy anything, but it's always fun to be there,) then took a stroll up the hill to our favorite Hidden 8th Street. It runs behind the house of my Lady Doctor and he was working in his yard. I like it when rich people do their own yardwork. Anyway, we said hello to him, he is a very nice guy. Funnily, a friend of mine in highschool babysat his youngest daughter, so I knew of him before I ever KNEW him, and I always thought he had such an interesting old house. And the house next door to his has the BEST stone wall. And across the alley of course is Joel's old house with its fabulous yard and cherry tree........ anyway, we kept on with our walk and when we got home it was naptime and during naptime Martin worked out while Greta and I folded laundry, then Greta fell asleep at the perfect time so that I could make a huge pan of Cowboy Beans and we watched the *sob!* second-to-last episode of The Unit!

When Anja woke up her Ooma and Oompa came over to watch her (Greta too, but Greta just cried and slept while Anja played with sidewalk chalk and went for a walk) so Martin and I could have a quick date! It's nice to hold hands. We walked over to Vienna and shared a Vanilla Chai.

Anja is so hilarious. I wish I had a camera attached to my head at all times that I could run live on my blog so everyone could have a glimpse of how funny she is. She is never nearly as funny when other people are around, you have to catch her when she thinks no one's watching.

And Greta is cute. Greta is a lot cuter than she appears to be in pictures. She doesn't look like anyone but herself, and I'm a little jealous of her looks already... she has such nice dark eyes and good coloring. I've always thought if I could choose my race I would be Indian. They all have the most gorgeous hair and skin.

Oh, did I ever post about my new plan? In my next life I've decided I'm going to be a wedding planner!! It will be so much fun. I'll get to subscribe to all the bridal magazines and put the cost on my separate "business expense" credit card. Then I'll get to attend weddings ALL THE TIME. All summer long! And I'll have all the fun parts, not spend a dime (get paid, in fact!), and bask in the wonderful knowledge that the crazy people involved are somebody else's family members, not mine! Sounds like the perfect job to me.


Anne said...

Holding hands IS great! And for some reason we never seem to do it unless we're out on a date by ourselves. Perhaps because the rest of the time our hands are full! :o)

Ben Hatke said...

(anna) Yes I'm always telling Ben how I love to go to or sneakily watch weddings that I have nothing to do with. Everytime I see a bride come out of a church when we are driving I want to get out and watch them all.

Annie Hatke Schap said...

It IS because our hands are always full!

Living downtown is the BEST for watching weddings. Every Saturday we see at least one wedding party looking all happy and fancy either at the hotel by our house or at one of the bazillion churches! I love it! LOVE IT!!