Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Every Once in Awhile

Sometimes I take notice of things that Martin does and I think to myself, "Oh my GOSH, I married my father!!!" It's not always the idiosyncratic things like starting a sentence, then taking a large bite of food and chewing it very slowly and swallowing before continuing his sentence. It's also really nice things. For example: When I was in high school, I woke up before my mom. So I noticed when my dad every morning had set out my mom's coffee mug, spoon, and two asprins next to the coffee pot. Sometime there'd be a little note too. Martin doesn't do exactly that, but every morning he wakes me up at 6:00 and while I'm coming out of my coma, wherever I am (bathroom, kitchen table, floor) he brings me my coffee. Often he brings me first a glass of orange juice and then follows it with a cup of coffee. It's so nice! And something I try not to take for granted. But just now he did something that was so my-dad-ish. (p.s. We are at Panera again.) I went to the bathroom and when I came back, he had refilled my drink for me! I hadn't asked him to do that, but I came back to a full glass. What a sillyhead. Now he and Anja are off walking through the mall, and I'm hurrying with this blog post because we're going to go look at the animals before we leave, and I can't wait because Martin said they have kittens there today!!! It's really fun to show Anja the animals, except she gets really upset when we have to leave. Poor thing. I get really upset too, but since I'm a grownup I don't scream and cry and cling to the cage doors like she does.

Not much else is new. The reason we've been coming to Panera to use the internet is because I've been asked by multiple people for multiple specific pictures and all of those things needed to be done in a hurry and there was noooooo way I was going to spend the time it took in that cold back room!

Anja is MOST adorable. She no longer crawls at all. she's a complete walker, and almost runs sometimes. She's also a crazy monkey and is becoming more of a daredevil in her climbing. Yikes! So far we've had no major falls, which must mean she got my balance. This is a good thing considering her daddy has such bad balance that him riding a bicycle makes everyone really nervous.

I went to knitting last night and Martin stayed home with Anja. It was not the experience I'd hoped for. I mean, knitting was fun, but Martin was unable to get Anja to sleep. Not only that, but by the time I came home, she'd gotten mildly upset and had started saying "mamama." The good thing is that she's saying "mama." It's only slightly insulting that my name came after "duck," "quack," "horse," "Dada," "dog," "cat" and the list goes on.... I'm glad she's finally saying it. However, it's not so great that she got upset without me last night. Martin tried three times to put her down. When I got home, I took her upstairs and she fell asleep in a matter of minutes. I know that part of the reason is because I have these ginormous boobs, but STILL. She needs to go down for other people! And it would be helpful if a big squishy bosom was not an absolute necessity.

Kim came over to visit today! That was loads of fun. He read "Goodnight Moon" to Anja, and Anja was sooooooooooo happy. It was so adorable and I should've taken a picture, but I didn't.


Anonymous said...

Annie: You are right....Martin is wonderful, and I am so happy that you married him. HOWEVER, he has a long way to go to beat your Daddy, who really should give lessons on how to be the perfect husband and father. And I can say that after almost 35 years of marriage!!! Not only does he fix my coffee cup, he empties the dishwasher and feeds the dog!!
Also, maybe I can get Anja to sleep because I have a pretty squishy bosom, myself.
Love, Mama
PS In addition to getting a super good husband, you didn't do too badly in the mother-in-law department, either. Mrs. Schap stopped by today and gave me a dozen beautiful roses!!

Anna May said...

Hey. Annie, it is going to warm up in a day or two.

I wish you gals wouldn't talk about your bosoms, I get jealous.

I agree with Roseanna about Mrs. Schap, she is a super lady.

And while we are at it, I think Gene is a super guy, also. So, there!!!!

Anna May said...
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Anna May said...

Can anyone tell me how to delete two of the three previous posts?


Martin Schap said...

It has to be done by the blog author.

Anna May said...

Thanks, Martin. Would you tell her to do so? I'd appreciate it.

Martin Schap said...

I hooked you up.

LauraSuz said...

I have said that exact same thing many a times.

Annie Hatke Schap said...

It's good that you still think he's the best after we spilled the beans about the no-flowers-after-your-heart-attack story. Heh heh.

Anonymous said...

I am lacking in many ways, but I do think that I was gifted with a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at myself. Not much, I know, but it's what I've got.