Thursday, June 12, 2008

The End of Vacation... *sniff*

Well, vacation is coming to an end. Depressingly enough. And I have a lot of pictures to post as a result. Today has been kind of a bust; Martin woke up not feeling great. We drove to Vienna for coffee, and then wanted to go to the ReStore afterward, but we could never find it. We even came home and looked at a google map and tried again, and STILL didn't find it! Then we ate eggs and toast and all three took a nap, and now it's mid-afternoon and Martin just left to get a haircut. Maybe eventually we'll get some work done, or do something fun, or accomplish something, but I'm not sure. For now: Pictures! Anja looking silly at Sarah's house after Bella's baptism.

Theodore and Anja

This is Anja's dragon face. She blows out her nose and looks like this, and sometimes we can get her to do it by blowing out our noses... except this morning Martin was doing it with such gusto that he gave himself a bloody nose.

Our floors!


Bella being baptized. I never figured out why Martin held her the whole time, but we are proud godparents!

The Gang after Bella's baptism.

Anja chomping on a cold carrot. Yum.

Anja and Raggedy Ann.

Aaaahhh!!! A sunny breakfast on the Vienna patio.

Anja in her highchair after dinner.

Anja and me camping out.

Playing with spoons at Vienna.

On our bed, today.
It was a good vacation. Yesterday we made the move from our bedroom down to the Big Room, and now Martin has his very own weight room!! Under the carpet in the old junk room is cement, so he ripped it up and put down horse stall mats and now he's got his own room for all of his stuff. Our bedroom will be nice, with time, but it's taking awhile to get everything in order. The junk room is now upstairs in what will someday be a playroom. For now it is a much more organized storage room though. I'm really happy with the changes we've made. And my garden is looking terrific these days!
So I guess today is the end of morning walks to Vienna, long days of productivity, patio meals at home, sun tea, and evening beers on the porch. Tomorrow Martin leaves for Boys State and will be gone for nine days. Boooo. But at least when he gets home it'll be almost time for the Fiddler's Gathering, and THAT will be a fun weekend, to say the least!
Another exciting thing is that I've been reintroducing milk into my diet. So far so good! I've been having half and half in my coffee in the mornings and today I had a little bit of Martin's chai. There's been no negative reaction from Anja, and in fact today her whining is less, so maybe yesterday was just a difficult day of teething.


Anonymous said...

Annie: Those pictures are TOO cute! I love the one at Vienna where she is smiling so big!

Anonymous said...

Anja is just the cutest baby girl ever. Well, after my granddaughters of course. But she makes the cutest faces!!! I think it's because she lives with two hilarious and happy parents!

Sarah said...

She is SO CUTE!! I just want to squeeze her=)