The other thing that happened last night was that we tried to go to the CC graduation.
Nevermind that it was actually two weeks ago. We were VERY confused. We ate a quick leftovers dinner, got all dressed up and headed out to CC, where the doors were locked and all that was going on was a t-ball practice out front. We didn't know what to do so we went out to Barnes & Noble for a favorite date (where Martin bought me some VERY CUTE note cards!) before heading home. When we got back to our house, Mrs. Schap was standing outside and we finally found out that it wasn't the CC graduation we'd been invited to, it was the Lafayette Police Citizens Academy graduation. Whoops. Evidently Aunt Anna May was there for it too! I was kind of bummed. High school graduations are long and hot and boring, but Citizens Academy graduations are fun and full of crazy people and last time we got a tour of the police station. Martin took that picture of Anja and me all dressed up before we left--to show off my new haircut!
I adore my haircut. Mostly because it could've been a buzz cut and I'd be happy to have it off my
neck. I had had just about enough of the long stringy mess of hair that my head had become. Now I have a cute short summer cut. Hooray! I took Anja along with me and she just sat in her carseat happily chewing on her frog and looking around at everything there was to see. She didn't make a peep. She's funny though... a lot of times when we go out someplace she'll be perfectly quiet, and then as soon as we get in the car she starts jabbering away! It's like she's telling me all about what she saw. Very cute! This picture is of her smiling.
The one below is of her at knitting night... she is the youngest knitter in the club, but look how passionate she is about her yarn!!! By the way, all those hands you see all over her belong to her grandmothers. Imagine that!
And here are some more pictures to share. Anja with her mountain lion pet, Theodore.; Anja wearing the Ergo weather hood when we walked to church last Sunday.; SITTING UP in her jungle crib!
In other news, I made hummus this morning and it's delicious, although still pretty chunky since I mashed it myself. I tried doing it in the blender, but it freaked me out too much. I am easily scared by common household appliances. And inspired by Anne, I mopped my kitchen floor! Also, before the hummus making adventure, Anja and I walked up to K.Dees for my morning coffee. It was really nice because it wasn't even 9:00 yet so nobody was out (unlike on our busy lunchtime walks) and it wasn't too hot yet! Lots of morning fun and now she's asleep, but I'll talk about that in my next post, coming right up.
your hair looks great!! love it.
also its fun to see anja sitting up!!
Cutie Patootie! I'm ready for a little trim, too!
so question... is your cat really that large? i'm confused....?!?!
Your hair is so cute. Good choice of cuts. The rest of the pictures are great too.
My son has the same stuffed dinosaur music box in his crib! I just love it--it's the most awesome toy dinosaur ever. When he was first born, though, my 3 year old daughter firmly claimed possession--she played with that thing so much!
Cute baby, cute hair, cute blog!
Yes. Unfortunately, Theodore really is that huge. He has rolls of fat than hang off of him. We used to play fetch with him to give him some exercise, but when we moved into our house and acquired the dog, we kind of gave up on that game. And he's not the "gentle giant" sort of cat either... he's actually really aggressive and mean. I mean, I love him... he is my Precious Lovey Boy. But sometimes he randomly attacks people in hopes of getting fed.
lol... i was wondering... i thought maybe he was one of those kind of cats that is half housecat half mountain lion or something... i forget what they're called. he looks cute though!!!
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