Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Post from Ninth Street

Oh my gosh, my parents' computer is set to be on old-people sized font, and everything on the screen is HUGE!! Also, I just broke a nail for maybe the first time ever. What a yucky feeling. My finger feels so violated.

Anja and I went to the library today. We got some picture books because she loves to be read to. Her favorite book is "Mog the Forgetful Cat" which I read to her at least three times a day, and she almost always smiles at the pictures. Today we got a book called "Kittens, Kittens, Kittens!" and another called "The Best Cat in the World." Other than our trip to the library and some happy playtime at home, she has been a champion grump today. But Martin had to work late tonight making up for all his missed work last week when he was sick, so I came here to my parents' house for dinner. Stir fry! Yum.

Luckily Martin isn't coming home till about 10:00 tonight, which will hopefully be enough time for the roads to be cleared of all the snow. When my brother was driving me up here this afternoon, we slid on Kossuth Street. If it weren't for Martin's daily commute, I'd always be super excited for snows like this.

Anja pie has been taking a cat nap. TIme for me to wake her up for a little bit.


Anonymous said...

Not that you've asked for book suggestions, but I loved reading Jack Prelutsky when mine were small. I think it was "Poems for the Very Young" by Jack Prelutsky. I gave it to my niece for Christmas and my sister-in-law says she likes it too.

I still recite some of them by heart and my 12 year olds roll their eyes.


Anonymous said...

I am a twit. It was "Read Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young".
