Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thoughts After the Noon Mass

We went to the Snoozers, Boozers & Losers mass today at St. Ann's. I like St. Ann's. I like Fr. Dominic and I like his homilies. We got there about 30 seconds late so the usher took us all the way up to the 3rd pew, which is something we're not used to. We always sit in the very back of church wherever we go; it makes it easy to slip out to the back if Anja decides to go temporarily insane. Anyway, I like St. Boniface and I like the priests there, but once in awhile it's refreshing to get a new preacher. It gets tiring to listen to the same two sermons over and over again... either you'll be told all about how likely it is that you'll go to hell for using artificial contraception and looking at pornography, or you're urged to fall in love with Christ in the Eucharist--Love Himself. Both great messages! But week after week it's easy to stop listening, and then hearing something new is kind of a breath of fresh air. I liked today's sermon a lot.

Since we got up early and still didn't go to mass until noon, it was important that Anja get a morning nap. In order to make that happen, I drove over to the Starbucks Drive-thru with her and got our coffee there. We don't like Starbucks coffee, we think it tastes burned, but it's convenient when your whole goal is to put your baby to sleep to be able to go through a drive-thru for your coffee. And it's a nice long drive from our house and back. Also, we're trying to get away from buying our coffee very much now that we're both back to drinking whole-caff. again. We bought some good beans for home and now we'll try to only buy coffee when we're going out specifically for it. Aaaanyway... as it turns out, Starbucks has run into some trouble due to their greed (like everyplace seems to do eventually) and are trying to get back to basics. They're getting away with all their lame-o extra stuff, like the whole music idea, and breakfast sandwiches, and practically being an entire store within a tiny coffee shop. I'm glad they're getting back to just being about coffee. But what made me notice was that they've changed their cups--their logo is different and much less "corporate" looking and modern. Then Martin told me the rest of the story. He said that might be one of their earlier logos, maybe like the original one. That was good to hear. I don't like Starbucks, but I think it would be just about the dumbest thing they could do to change their logo now.

Anyway, that was just something I was thinking about today. Another thing I was thinking about came from sitting behind two little girls and their mom at mass. Both little girls were wearing very grown-up looking clothes. Obviously from someplace like The Limited Too. Bell bottoms and fitted, decorative hoodies. I was amazed! Who would want their 9 year old looking like a 16 year old?? So I decided then and there that I will dress my girl(s) in adorable, age appropriate clothing until they are, well let's face it, probably way too old to be dressing in smocked dresses. I will follow in the footsteps of both my mother and my mother-in-law, and I will have nerdy, friendless daughters who resent me for their terrible fashion--but at least they won't look like hookers!!!!!

And I guess the real shame of it this morning was that these girls were ADORABLE. They were the perfect little magazine-faced girls with blue eyes and freckles and perfect brown hair and perfect little noses. They were so cute!! But they dressed like sorority girls and it was kind of sad.

I just made omlettes for the first time ever, and I must say... killer omlettes! I'm so proud of myself! Okay, I'll admit that Martin's was a little burned, but mine was awesome! And resourceful... we're going to the grocery this afternoon because we've been living on eggs and toast all weekend... and the only fresh produce I had was one onion and a few little cherry tomatoes. Well, the tomatoes ended up being rotten so I used a can of tomatoes instead, but it was a good lunch for us! I am so proud of myself.

Karenin is now being taught to ring a bell on the door with her snout when she needs to go out. Evidently this is supposed to be about the easiest thing in the world to teach a dog (or at least a lab, according to some friends) so we're hoping for happy results.

I think today will be the last day to wear my lovely brown coat until next winter... bittersweet!


Clare said...

Amen about Starbucks! They actually roast speed roast their coffee... meaning they roast their coffee at higher temperatures for less time than most gourmet coffee roasters leaving their coffee tasting burnt. Yuck. But in a pinch, they will do. :) and Amen about little girls dressed like teenagers! I assume some people think it is cute... but I find it borderline disturbing!

Anna May said...

Maybe you should have gone to St. B. We had a different priest. He was the one Fr. Tim stayed with when he was in Poland. I don't think his speech was that far off, but it was off enough for me. I didn't understand him. I should have napped. I needed it.

Also, when we reach the "Senior Citizenship" time, most of us loose some of our hearing tones. This is probably why I didn't understand. But, never-the-less, we had a different sermon.

Elisabeth said...

Your post totally cracked me up. So true what you said... about the 2 sermons, the Starbucks and how children get dressed up like hookers. Reminds me of those dolls that look like prostitutes--Bratz or something like that.
As for the Polish priest's sermon... John told it was good... but unfortunately, I did pass out for most of it. It's bad when that happens because I always sit in 2nd row, right in front of the ambo. I'm sure they see me falling asleep when it happens (not so infrequently)... :)